
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sony Ericsson Java Capabilities

Z610i Java Benchmark by Club-Java:

Profiles MIDP-1.0 MIDP-2.0
Configuration CLDC-1.1
Screen resolution
JTWI version 1.0
(Canvas) 176x176 Color screen Yes 65536 colors
Touch screen or mouse (hasPointerEvents()) No
Stylus motion events (HasPointerMotionEvents()) No
Double buffered screen Yes
Send / Receive SMS by Java (WMA JSR-120) Yes
Mobile Media API Version (MMA JSR-135) 1.2
MMA can take photos Yes
A midlet can use Bluetooth (JSR-82) Yes
Supports 3D graphics (JSR-184) Yes
Geographical positioning with Java (Location API JSR-179) null

T610 Java Benchmark by Club-Java:

Profiles MIDP-1.0
Configuration CLDC-1.0
JTWI version null
Screen resolution
(Canvas) 128x127 Color screen Yes 65536 colors
Touch screen or mouse (hasPointerEvents()) No
Stylus motion events (HasPointerMotionEvents()) No
Double buffered screen Yes
Send / Receive SMS by Java (WMA JSR-120) No
Mobile Media API Version (MMA JSR-135) null
MMA can take photos No
A midlet can use Bluetooth (JSR-82) No
Supports 3D graphics (JSR-184) No
Geographical positioning with Java
(Location API JSR-179) null

Master List of Java Benchmark of all handphones by Club-Java

Focus Tool 0.0.26

I will use Netbeans auto-versioning from now on:


1. When handphone is in pouch, or, pocket, the Quit Button may
sometimes get pressed accidentally and thus terminate the
application prematurely.

[Fixed : Hide all commands in a Menu]

2. The range runs from 5 mins to 25 mins, instead of 5 to 20 minutes.


3. There's no way to know how many more mins remaining to the
next Alert.

[Fixed: Put a countdown on the Main Form]

New Problems:

After tested on T610, I found a new problem. When in public
place like a shopping mall, sometimes the Alert could not
be heard.

Will try to fix it next.

Focus Tool 002 - Initial Trial Runs

Runs in Intense Mode:

which is between 5 mins and 20 mins Alerts.

Installed on my SonyEricsson T610 (via Bluetooth) and now under testing.

After Testing:

After Testing for one night and one morning, discovered the
following problems:

1. When handphone is in pouch, or, pocket, the Quit Button may
sometimes get pressed accidentally and thus terminate the
application prematurely.

2. The range runs from 5 mins to 25 mins, instead of 5 to 20 minutes.

3. There's no way to know how many more mins remaining to the
next Alert.

4. Whenever there's an incoming call, the application will
terminate with the error:
"This application uses too much memory"

I will try to fix problems 1 to 3, but I won't be able to fix
problem 4 as it is a physical limitation with an old
handphone like SonyEricsson T610

Focus Tool Version 001 Completed

Bare bones User Interface:

Alerts randomly every 1 to 60 seconds.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Focus Tool Project - Getting the correct image size

To get the correct pixel size for this:

Open Windows Explorer and get the properties of the .png file directly:

Focus Tool Project Practice Code: UI Interface

This shows all the UI items that are commonly found
in handphone apps:
Source code:

import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class DateTimeApp2 extends MIDlet {

private Form form;
private Gauge gauge;
//private Spacer spacer;
private ImageItem imageItem;
private TextField txtField;
private DateField dateField;
private StringItem stringItem;
private ChoiceGroup choiceGroup;

public DateTimeApp2() {
form = new Form("Your Details");
form.setTicker(new Ticker("Hello Paul Chin"));
// a StringItem is not editable
stringItem = new StringItem("Your Id: ", "WXP-890");

// you can accept Date, Time or DateTime formats
dateField = new DateField("Your DOB: ", DateField.DATE);

// similar to using a TextBox
txtField = new TextField(
"Your Name: ", "", 50, TextField.ANY);

// similar to using a List
choiceGroup = new ChoiceGroup(
"Your meals: ",
new String[] {"Veg", "Non-Veg"},

// put some space between the items to segregate
//spacer = new Spacer(20, 20);

// a gauge is used to show progress
gauge = new Gauge("Step 1 of 3", false, 3, 1);

// an image may not be found,
// therefore the Exception must be handled
// or ignored
try {
imageItem = new ImageItem(
"Developed By: ",
} catch(Exception e) {}

public void startApp() {
Display display = Display.getDisplay(this);

public void pauseApp() {

public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {

Note that the Spacer object is unavailable for MIDP1.0 hence
it needs to be commented out. It is only available for MIDP2.0 and

Also be sure to put the Duke.png pic in the images folder:

Note that for T610, you need to use .png graphics. T610 cannot
display .gif

If for any reason, your image fails to display, then right click
on Resource and add the images folder path.

Focus Tool Project Notes

In Netbeans, select Project Properties and set to CLDC 1.0 and
MIDP 1.0 SonyEricssion T610 needs this config.

Also in the same Properties settings, select the JAR settings and
uncheck the Compress JAR checkbox. Else, there will be a
"Not enough Storage " error when sending the jar to T610 later.
I later discovered that this is an intermittent error with T610.
T610 can handle large jar files, it is not necessary to disable

Exit Command for T610

exitCommand=new Command("Exit",Command.EXIT,2);

The above fails to put an Exit command on T610. There is
no dedicated exit key on T610. A workaround is:

exitCommand=new Command("Exit",Command.ITEM,2);

Insert as ITEM instead of EXIT.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Focus Tool Project Takes Off

The objective is to develop this tool for handphones:

What this Tool is for

The project will be developed using J2ME CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 1.0
for maximum compatibility with all handphones.

Previous J2ME Blogs

Useful MIDP Tutorials

Vikram Goyal's MIDP Tutorial Pt 1

Vikram Goyal's MIDP Tutorial Pt. 2 (UI Design)

Vikram Goyal's MIDP Tutorial Pt. 3 (Game API)

Vikram Goyal's MIDP Tutorial Pt. 4 (Multimedia)

Monday, November 10, 2008

ic-TimeTabler 010 (C# Version)

Below is the status of the Project:

To Do:

1. Add capability of viewing subjects by School. Will need to modify
SubjectsTable by adding a Schools column.
2. Drag-and-drop capability to enable dragging subjects from
Subjects Table and directly dropping into TimeTable.
3. Icon view of assigned/un-assigned classrooms
4. Report view capability
5. Print capability